Groundwater Modelling (FEFLOW, DHI-WASY)

Image flyer Groundwater Modelling
groundwater flow, mass and heat transport modelling, catchment delineation for drinking water wells, well vulnerability, influence of flooding on the groundwater, well construction and pumping tests
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To analyse and quantify flow and transport processes in groundwater, the finite element model system FEFLOW from DHI-WASY is preferred. According to the problem, adequately compiled steady state or transient groundwater flow models form a consistent basis for the evaluation of flow paths and flow time. The flow model is the basis for further questions as well concerning mass or heat transport. It allows for the delineation of catchments, the assessment of risk potentials or the estimation of consequences of  interference by mankind, for example. In complex applications, coupling with groundwater recharge models, hydraulic models for surface water or water balance models can be used for further refinement.
Our groundwater models allow - where appropriate with the use of additional field data - the answers to questions like:

  • flow time and contributing areas
  • definition of protective areas
  • groundwater - surface water interaction
  • water composition and water age
  • mass transport: vulnerability assessment and catchment delineation using reverse mass transport approaches
  • near-surface geothermal energy: influence of thermal groundwater utilisation, thermal fields
  • interpretation and optimisation of groundwater monitoring data
  • optimisation of groundwater exploitation
  • threats due to problem sites and hazardous inputs
  • influence of infiltration plants or filling of flood protection reservoir in depth to groundwater

Example: Thermal influence of well heat injection in groundwater

Heat propagation in Groundwater resulting from well injection
Vertical sight on groundwater heat propagation resulting from injection wells


  • Diverse calculations of heat propagation for groundwater hydroextractor installations [since 2009]
  • Reports of the extent of groundwater depression cones, interaction of existing and planed deep-wells, inspection of protection zones and assignment of nitrate stressed wells [since 2004]
  • Nitrate balance and input potential of the water supply of Freiburg [2005-2006]
  • 3D modelling of groundwater stream direction and mass transport of the Zartener Becken and the Staufener Bucht [since 1998]
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